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Turn your favourite photograph of your best friend into hand drawn pencil artwork for your home. Whether it be a celebration of your beloved fur child, or a personal gift for that special someone in your life, or a beautiful way to honour and remember a pet who has passed away, Jay from Hand Drawn Memories will turn your treasured memory into a gorgeous piece of timeless art.

Elsa the Avocado Thief πŸ₯‘πŸ₯·πŸΌ

Elsa Pet Portraits Australia Pencil Artist Hand Drawn Memories - A4
Elsa as drawn by Jay from Hand Drawn Memories

Apart from being an avocado quality inspector Elsa is the Top Dog Harness mascot, looking splendid here in her Arctic Haqihana Harness πŸ˜

Elsa the Maremma came into my life as a foster dog as things just weren’t working out well for her living in suburbia with a busy young family. So she moved in and quickly stole my heart with her big fluffy cuddles. There was a cheeky side to this puppy and she used to steal my avocados from the kitchen. But it all worked out wonderfully for Elsa as she found her forever home on a biodynamic avocado farm!

Aww… don’t we love happy endings! πŸ™Œβ€οΈβœ¨

Hilde the matchmaker πŸ’

Hilde Pet Portraits Australia Pencil Artist Hand Drawn Memories - A4
Hilde as drawn by Jay from Hand Drawn Memories

Hilde’s story written beautifully by her guardian @zoechaos πŸ™ŒπŸ’•
Hilde was the most perfect, precious girl. Our paths crossed when I realised that my beautiful Bull Arab, Sabre, was getting old, I knew Thelma (my staffy) wouldn’t cope without a friend, so to make it as easy as possible for her I decided to adopt a greyhound. I gave a loose description of what I was after, female and dog friendly. I got no photos, or anything, her trainer turned up to our house and with her and introduced her as β€˜Maree’. She was not what I expected at all, much taller and with a wonky ear, which I was very vain about initially, but it turned out to be one of my favourite features of hers .

She waltzed into my life, very self assured and incredibly grumpy. Over time, we treated the pain that was making her grumpy and she became so sweet. She stayed self assured though, if she wanted a loaf of bread off the bench, well she thought she was well within her right to just hop up and eat it.

She loved going to rivers, creeks and the beach to splash in the shallow water and look around for things to chase (not that she ever did). She actually became a very proficient swimmer too! She loved babies and always tried to stick her head in prams going by for a hello and lick 😳

She was the softest dog I have ever patted and chattered her teeth when she got pats or peanut butter. She loved doing spins in the yard and her bedroom. We could hear her thumping around from the other end of the house!

Perhaps the most special thing about Hilde was that she (unbeknownst to her) connected me with my boyfriend after a really horrible, hard time. He had made an Instagram for Bowie. I followed it and was chatting to him for a while before I even realised it was not a crazy dog mother, but a crazy dog father πŸ˜‚

We have been together for years now, have bought a house together and have our little family of dogs πŸ₯° If only she knew how special she was and how much happiness she brought to me πŸ₯°

To enquire about turning your precious moment into timeless art contact Jay today via email, Facebook or Instagram:

Vet recommended the Haqihana Harness

My three senior female greyhounds all have high prey drive, and two of them occasionally have issues with their throats, so our Vet advised us to switch them to harnesses. Since they usually like to walk shoulder to shoulder, it was easier to switch all three of them to harnesses. We tried a few other brands, but they rubbed or were easy to back out of. Then we found Haqihana x

What greyhound harness should I buy what is the best greyhound harness Australia 2
Sunshine Coast, QLD

My Greyhound Rhonda loves it

Rhonda has tried the Ezydog harness before and hated it so I had to resell it! The Haqihana Harness is amazing and Rhonda loves it. Thank you so much!

Rescue Greyhound Australia Haqihana Best Dog Harness Tactical No Pull Ezydog
Lindisfarne, TAS