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What is the Best Dog Harness as recommended by Dog Trainers?

If you’re reading online dog harness reviews, seeking to find the best dog harness available, your quest needs to begin in Norway in 1948, with a stop over in Italy in 2004, before finally landing in Australia in the present day.

Why does the name Turid Rugaas sound familar?

Did you know that in 2017 Turid Rugaas was awarded the Norwegian King’s Badge of Honour, by His Majesty Harald VI, for her 40+ years of contributions in the field of canine behaviour? Wow!! It’s no wonder that international dog trainer, author and lecturer Turid Rugaas is widely regarded as THE authority on gentle dog training techniques.

Turid Rugaas receiving her Norwegian King’s Badge of Honour

A dog owner since 1948, dog training since 1969 and dog school owner since 1984. She set up her dog school ‘Hagan Hundeskole’ on her farm overlooking the fjords of Norway. She started educating other dog trainers and giving seminars in 1992. Since then she has conducted workshops in 12 different countries with students from 24 countries.

Although now retired from hands-on dog training she continues to conduct seminars and workshops internationally. She has published several books and DVDs including the popular best seller ‘On Talking Terms with Dogs’ and ‘My Dog Pulls. What Do I Do?’ This is all amazing I hear you say, but get to the point: Does she recommend collar or harness? And if she recommends a harness, which one?

Turid Rugaas Best Dog Harness Review Australia Haqihana
Turid Rugass recommends the Haqihana Harness as the Best Dog Harness

Well no surprises really. International dog trainer Turid Rugaas recommends that dogs walk on a Y Shaped Harness together with a long lead so that they can feel comfortable, relaxed and have the freedom to express their true nature. And which dog harness does this experienced dog trainer recommend: Haqihana of course!

In this short video Turid Rugaas discusses the benefits of walking your dog on a harness and she provides a review of the Haqihana Harness and explains it’s benefits compared to others on the market.

Will a Dog Harness make my Dog Pull?

Turid explains in the video that it is a common misconception that as soon as a dog wears a harness that they will start to pull. To the contrary, when you put a well designed harness, such as a Haqihana Harness, on the dog that in most cases they stop pulling because they feel more comfortable and relaxed.

Gentle Dog Trainers such as Turid Rugaas recommend a Y shaped dog harness and a long dog lead so that the dog can feel comfortable, relaxed and have the freedom to safely express their true nature. The Haqihana Leash has carabiners at both ends, enabling it to be doubled over, halving it’s length, for those times you need to keep your dog closer to you for safety.

The Haqihana Harness and Leash is truly a match made in doggy heaven.

Double H Harness perfect for Greyhounds

We love our Haqihana harnesses! They are super good quality. I recently bought our latest Double H Haqihana harness from Top Dog Harness for our newly adopted greyhound Nancy. We will be back for more when I decide what other colours our dogs โ€˜needโ€™ ๐Ÿ˜‚

Where to buy Haqihana Harness Leash Online Australia Dog Review
Lismore, NSW

He can just enjoy being a dog

It makes me happy to know that Theo the Miniature Dachshund is walking more freely and that he is comfortable, that he can just enjoy being a dog.

Theodore Long Haqihana Harness Review Mini Doxie Dachshund Sausage Dog Australia.png
Shortland, NSW

Feeling inspired?

If you are ready to change your dog's walking experience purchase your Haqihana Harness and Leash today from our online store.